Tag Archives: magnotherapy

Why Soft Drinks Contribute To Osteoarthritis And Pain

It remains a mystery why men worsen from osteoarthritis and pain more than women do by drinking soft drinks. HFCS and other harmful sweeteners in soft drinks cause fat gain and health challenges. But, a recent Harvard study indicates that arthritis of the knees is not caused just by extra weight you are carrying around. […]

Do You Know These Facts About Hip Arthritis?

As our age progresses, we start developing different types of health issues. One such health problem is known as hip arthritis. Do you know that an individual experiencing arthritis will experience the ill effects of a condition known as osteoarthritis? This is a typical type of hip arthritis that’s additionally known as wear & tear […]

Magnetic Mattress Pad for Pain Control

Common maladies Today you find thousands of people suffering from pain in the joints, muscles and soft tissues. If you had such a pain and got great relief from using any of the innumerable magnetic therapy products such as magnetic mattress pads, magnetic bed toppers, magnetic bracelets, insoles etc., you would certainly be recommending them […]

Jewellery: Popular Gemstones – Agate to Emerald

AGATE – Agate consists of silicon dioxide which was sedimented in ancient times to form beautiful flowing bands of different texture and colours. There are always many layers and bands of differing materials in all sorts of designs and colours – in quartz, chalcedony, jasper, or iron oxides – making agate one of the most […]

Bioflow Ecoflow Magnetic therapy

Magnetic therapy has been used in many parts of the world for many years to help relieve pain and accelerate the natural healing process of the body. For more than 5000 years the healing power of Lodestone (magnet) has been known and used for healing, which has been mentioned in the earliest of writings. It […]

Natural Healing Technique

Do you know what Reiki is? Reiki comes from the Japanese word Rei and Ki. These words are being used in spiritual healing methods. In seeking definitions, Rei can be defined as Higher Intelligence. It is a subtle wisdom that penetrates everything. Ki is an abstract energy that animates all living organism. Flowing on every […]

Modern Naturopathy History: A Chiropractic Legacy

Dr. Benedict Lust (M.D., D.C., N.D.) a German doctor and chiropractor who emigrated to the U.S. in 1892, was America’s first naturopathic physician. Although ridiculed by the establishment for his ‘revolutionary’ ideas of exercise, vegetarianism and healthy living, Benedict Lust, founded the first health food store as we know it, and crystallized the focus of […]

How Asthma Responded to a Single Dose of Homeopathic Medicine – Antim Ars!

Homeopathic medicine often creates a mystique feeling about the action of drugs to novice homeopaths. The action of what is called the Constitutional Dose in homeopathy is often lauded by expert homeopaths and there is a great deal to learn from these experts.  Herewith I am explaining a case of asthma that responded extremely well […]

What is Holistic Medicine?

Holistic medicine is based on healing principles and treatments that are intended to prevent dis-ease; and maintains health and wellness by facilitating the body’s innate abilities (to heal itself). As an integrative system of health intervention and maintenance, holistic medicine is comprised of mind-body-spirit medicine and natural health treatments like chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, energy healing, […]

Osteoarthritis Is Another Chronic Disease

In current medical practice, we search for and follow the epidemiology and common physical and laboratory examinations of patients with chronic diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment of many chronic diseases can aid in the prevention and reduction of negative outcomes. Osteoarthritis is one of these chronic clinical entities whose early diagnosis and treatment has not […]

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