5 Top Natural Gout Relief Remedies

Though gout is extremely painful and you may therefore think that only drugs can help, there are several natural gout relief remedies that have proven to be very effective. In this short article you’ll discover 5 natural gout relief remedies that you can try at home.

First though, to understand how these gout relief remedies actually work, here is a very short explanation of gout and it’s causes…

Gout is an acute medical condition which is generally characterized by extreme soreness, swelling, stiffness, warmth and redness of the joints. It’s a type of arthritis mostly found in the male population, although women can suffer from it too.

A gout attack is the result of high levels of the uric acid in the blood stream. This uric acid then forms uric acid crystals that accumulate in the joints and tendons.

Your body’s natural defence views these crystals as foreign bodies and triggers its inflammatory response to try to repel them. It’s this response that actually causes the extremely painful symptoms of gout.

But where does uric acid come from? It’s a byproduct of the breakdown of chemical compounds called ‘purines’ that exist naturally in our bodies and much of our food.

Uric acid is generally dissolved in the blood stream and removed from the body by the kidneys through our urine. However, kidneys at times fail to do so, either because they aren’t working properly or the body is producing too much uric acid for our kidneys to handle.

O.K., now that we’ve looked at what gout is, what causes it and what triggers it, let’s get to the 5 natural gout relief remedies I promised…

Natural remedies, where appropriate, are always better options than taking medicines. All drugs have side effects and those for gout are no exception.

Gout Relief Remedies

1. Lose weight if you are overweight: Several studies have revealed that excessive body weight is one of the highest risk factors for gout. Do this through a sensible diet and daily exercise.

2. Drink lots of water: Water can help prevent the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Also, water helps the kidneys to flush out excess uric acid from the body.

3. Eat food that has low purine content: For example, eggs, potatoes, yogurt, bread, low-fat dairy, blue berries, strawberries, cabbage and green leafy vegetables. Less purines: less uric acid

4. Apply hot and cold compresses: Three minutes hot then 30 seconds cold increases circulation and provides pain relief. Repeat as necessary.

5. Drink celery seed tea: Celery seeds have lots of anti-inflammatory properties. Add 1 teaspoon of seeds to 2 cups of water and bring to boil. Strain and drink half a cup 4 times daily until the symptoms have gone.

Note: Once having had one gout attack you are now at a very high risk of recurring gout throughout your life. You must take this seriously as this can lead to serious health issues like permanently damaged joints and kidney problems.

Using these types of natural gout relief remedies can help to not only eliminate gout now, but also prevent future gout attacks…

Source by John Cielo

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