Category Archives: Blog

Magnet Treatment For High Blood Pressure

An enduringly elevated level of blood pressure can lead to an augmented propensity of the individual to various medical complications for instance blood clot development which happens when blood tends to congeal and coagulate at one place, as well as causing grave damage and injury to blood vessels, as a result of which there is […]

Natural Joint Pain Relief

The first line of treatment that a doctor may suggest for joint pain usually involves aspirin and non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug use. Over the years, more and more people are becoming aware of the power that natural ingredients and treatments possess in not only treating joint pain, but also an infinite number of medical concerns. Not […]

How Can A Pain Center Help Arthritis Pain?

Most of us think of arthritis as an “old person’s” aches and pains. But it is actually a disease and can affect people of all ages. It helps to understand how arthritis affects the body first and then you’ll have a better understanding how a pain center can help. In between our bones are the […]

Arthritis Joint Pain – Ayurvedic Remedies and Treatments That Work

About 80% of the world population is within the clutches of the ailment called arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is a chronic disorder making mobility, day to day activities and life altogether quite difficult. Pain or arthralgia is the ruling symptom of arthritis, and there is not a single arthritis patient who […]

How To Know If You Need Carpal Tunnel Surgery

When confronted with the word “surgery” most people think of hospitals, anesthesia, stitches, long recovery, complications, etc. and that is why the thought of needing carpal tunnel surgery can be a scary thought. However, surgery is not the only option to relieve carpal tunnel pain, and even if you do need carpal tunnel surgery, you […]

Using Massage Therapy Equipment While Pregnant – Are There Restrictions?

Pregnancy is both a joyous time and a time of misery. There is a lot of back pain and pains that a woman never thought she could ever have. Many times, something as simple as a massage can make a huge difference, but not every woman can utilize the services of a massage therapist. Sometimes […]

Tinnitus Natural Treatments – Safe And Effective

In case you are hearing weird sounds like buzzing or swishing, it’s possible that you are affected by ringing ears, medically called Tinnitus. This is a medical problem that will cause patients to hear weird sounds which seem to come from the ear. Even though this condition isn’t that severe or serious, it might result […]

Re-Balancing the Energy-Field to Restore the Body’s Health

Energy therapy, also referred to as energy healing, spiritual healing or energy medicine is a branch of alternative medicine that proposes imbalances in the “energy field” within the human body results in illness. Therefore, any attempts to re-balance the energy-field can help restore the body’s health. Proponents of this therapy reveal healing or treatment is […]

Knee Problems: Causes And Treatments

The knee joint is made up a number of structures, which include ligaments, tendon, cartilage and bone. When any of these are affected either due to injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage or some medical conditions like arthritis, gout and infections or sometimes some problem in the hip or foot, then it […]

Autoimmune Arthritis: What You Must Know

Do you ever experience swollen joints and muscle stiffness? Do the tips of your fingers have bony nodules? Do both of your knees ache and swell when walking? Have you ever been diagnosed with “Inflammatory Arthritis”, and then told that your only recourse is taking medications that may or may not temporarily help with inflammation, […]

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