Tag Archives: magnets for pain

Inflammation, It’s a Crock

In our Panama City Chiropractic office a common problem that I see in patients is inflammation. Inflammation is one of the major leading health issues as it can be the source of many conditions (including back and neck pain) and diseases that we see both in the relatively young and the elderly. Hopefully this short […]

Finally, A Natural Way To Help Colic!

Your baby is crying relentlessly, and you have tried everything to soothe it. You have had very little sleep, and are at your wit’s end to finding a way to find relief for your ears, and more importantly for your baby. Conventional medicine has yielded little results, and you are wondering what natural things that […]

Ask the Doctor – Can Chiropractic Help Headaches?

Headaches are painful, elusive, and one of the most common physical symptoms that people face throughout their lifetime. Pain can occur with a variety of intensity, frequency, location, and duration, and often is debilitating. Just as there are many types and causes of headaches, there are also many treatments that can relieve them without the […]

Baby Boomers Use Alternative Medicine

According to a recent study conducted at Ohio State University, about 70 percent of the 50 Plus market use alternative medicine. Funded by the National Institute on Aging, Professor Gong-Soog Hong spearheaded a survey that included almost 900 participants aged 50 and above. 65 percent of seniors who described themselves in poor health said they […]

Yikes – I Am Getting Older

The day will come when we wake up to the reality that we are older, past the prime of life and start to live on our pension. How many of us give this some serious thought as more years are added to our personal calendar? We are trying to live our lives to the fullest, […]

Natural Remedies for Toothache

Toothache is pain around a tooth that may be caused by conditions such as tooth decay, infected gum, tooth fracture, blow to the tooth and so on. Toothache occurs when the most sensitive part of the tooth called the pulp becomes inflamed. There are various home remedies to ease toothache!!! Ice: Cover ice pack with […]

The Horse Rider and Managing Headaches

In my Physiotherapy practice I treat 100’s of patients a year for headaches. Many of these have recurring neck pain and stiffness as well as headaches. I teach riding and very many riders admit to suffering from headaches. Riders tend to get neck pain and headache after riding at the end of the day. Unless […]

What is Massage Therapy – Healing Practice of Touch and Movement

What is massage therapy anyway? One thing we can say for sure is that it has become a fast growing profession. A couple of decades ago, you never even heard of massage therapy. But since then interest has grown tremendously. Even insurance companies understand and recognize the benefits of a skilled massage therapist. The term […]

Marine Phytoplankton – A Health Newsletter About the Amazing Healing Benefits of the Ocean

Scientists at NASA theorize that some 3 1/2 billion years ago, the world was changed forever. The appearance of tiny organisms with the ability to convert sunlight, warmth, water and minerals into protein (amino acids), carbohydrates and fats marked the beginning of life. Phytoplankton are single-celled plants that are the basis of all other life […]

The Bach Flower Remedies – Natural Remedy or Quackery?

Long before Dr Edward Bach discovered and developed his Bach Flower Remedies, Plato stated that: “The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul, and, if the head and body are to be healthy, you must begin by […]

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