Magic of Herb Ball – No More Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Perhaps you have tried a number of ways to cure you aching wrist or hand due to carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. But there is one alternative treatment that you might have missed – the herb ball. This may not be known to many but its healing ability has been proven by many who tried its efficiency. To give you an outlook about the action and effectiveness of this treatment modality, read on.

What is an herb ball?

Herb ball or herbal ball is sometimes called herbal compress ball. It is originally from an Asia, specifically Thailand. Historically, the Thai use this as a compress to alleviate muscle aches in any areas of the body. Today, the ball is considered as non-pharmacological way to relieve painful areas in the bodies and as carpal tunnel treatment.

Why use it for Carpal tunnel syndrome?

As carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms hinder you to do your regular activities, your productivity can be altered. To solve this problem, you have to take remedies which might include splinting and taking prescribed pain reliever. But this means another cost; the doctor’s fee, the transportation charge going to the clinic or out-patient department of a hospital, and the prescribed drug cost. While it is not in its worst state, you can do other things aside from resorting to medication or surgery. If you are experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms very often, it is advised that you keep an herb ball always available. In this way, you can save time and medical expenses while at the same time gaining relief from CTS.

How the herb ball works?

The herb ball is made up of ginger, clove oil, turmeric, lemon grass, and many organic substances that are scientifically proven to have a property that relieves pain. These herbs are wrapped in a ball of cloth and as it is soaked in warm water, the therapeutic fluids of its ingredients are mixed. Scientifically, heat is said to improve circulation and promote early healing of damaged tissues. Warmth facilitates opening of the pores; so as it is compressed to the skin, its ingredients thereby give off therapeutic effects.

How to use it?

Typically, herb balls are designed to have handles or grips so that the user can easily remove grasp it without the risk of getting a burn from the heated water. Simply warm the ball using a microwave for about one minute or soak it in heated water. Take time to inhale the aroma of the ingredients. This can make your lungs relax and give you a refreshing sense. Some people may also prefer to mix the extract to their food or drinks. This is safe, provided that you are not allergic to any of the substances or herbs included inside the ball. When you can tolerate the heat, use the ball as a compress to alleviate carpal tunnel pain and numbness.

Also, be aware that herb balls are for one-time-use only. You may however re-use the cloth if you plan to make you own herb ball out of the organic products you have. In such case, you have to make store the ball in an airtight container in an area without moist and with cool temperature. This will preserve the therapeutic properties of the ingredients. You may keep it for a maximum of three months. Exceeding this period, you should consider the home-made herb ball as expired.

To ensure that you have the best mixture and preparation of herb ball, you can also order online. You can stock ready-to-use herb balls at your home to relieve sudden carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. You may also hand them as holiday gifts; just add some decorative ornaments to the container or you may personalize the cloth.

Source by A Tallents

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