Category Archives: Blog

Finding an Effective Sciatica Treatment

The majority of spinal problems are related to the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine contains 5 vertebrae which are protected by a strong cartilaginous ring which is firmly attached to both sides of each vertebrae. These rings are known as discs. The inner mass is known as the nucleus pulposis, and when, due to a […]

How Obesity Affects The Body

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has put out a blunt note on its website. It says that 33.8% of U.S. adults and 17% of children and adolescents aged between 2-19 years are obese. It adds that there has been a dramatic increase in obesity during the last 20 years. These are alarming figures […]

Can Oil Of Oregano Help With Arthritis?

Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints. It is the major cause of disability of people who are over 55 years old. There are many types of arthritis but the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Each of them has different symptoms but all of them […]

Chronic Pain Management Without Medication

PLEASE NOTE: Pain is the body’s signal that something is wrong, being overused or out of balance. If there is redness and swelling present and the painful area is warmer than the surrounding area, GO TO A DOCTOR! You may have an infection or blood clot that needs immediate attention. Do NOT stop or alter […]

5 Top Natural Gout Relief Remedies

Though gout is extremely painful and you may therefore think that only drugs can help, there are several natural gout relief remedies that have proven to be very effective. In this short article you’ll discover 5 natural gout relief remedies that you can try at home. First though, to understand how these gout relief remedies […]

Relieve Gout Pain Now Without Taking Toxic Prescription Drugs

The description of a person who suffers from gout is a male over the age of forty years of age. In ancient times, the gout sufferer would have been royalty. Gout has been called the “king’s disease” because only royalty could indulge in fatty food and alcohol to excess. Gout is caused by a build […]

Trigger Points and Carpal Tunnel – Your Pain Might Not Be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Treat It at Home

You have hand pain, or wrist pain, or even tingling. Is it in your thumb and index finger? Or in your ring finger and pinky? It makes your work uncomfortable and difficult. The pain even keeps you up at night. Before undergoing carpal tunnel release surgery or taking NSAIDS or other drugs that are associated […]

Positive Thinking is a Magnet For Success

Most people have heard of Norman Vincent Peale’s famous book “The Power of Positive Thinking.” The influence of this book and others of a similar ilk has been significant and thousands of people have applied the principles of positive thinking to achieve personal success. How important is positive thinking to the achievement of success? More […]

A Basic Principle of Healing: First, Do No Harm

The Greek healer, Hippocrates, set the first standards for medicine in the form of the Hippocratic Oath. A basic principle of that oath was “First do no harm.” This ethic is meant to be the guide for whatever intervention a physician or healer uses to assist a patient to heal because… the actual healing itself […]

Cupping Therapy For Eczema

I have a couple of subscribers to my regular eczema newsletter writing to me about Cupping therapy. Their Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have advised them to try out Cupping therapy for eczema as part of their holistic treatment. While it is too early to report if the therapy has helped them, I proceeded to […]

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