Category Archives: Blog

How Should You Select Bracelets of Diamonds?

Bracelets are jewellery items that are worn around wrists. However, when worn around the ankles of the legs, they are termed as ankle bracelets or anklets; there are even boot versions of these to decorate boots as well. It is possible to manufacture them from metal, cloth, leather, plastic, ceramic, jewels, wood, crystals, shells, rocks, […]

Modern Pain Management Techniques

Pain is a massive problem in our society, in fact it is estimated that at any given time, around one third of the population are in pain. Pain of any type is the most frequent reason for physician consultation. It is a major symptom in many medical conditions, significantly interfering with quality of life and […]

Where to Find Bracelets That Will Improve Your Balance

Copper has been used for construction since prehistoric times, even before recorded history. Ancient civilizations even utilized the compounds in metals such as copper, zinc and manganese in their medicines and treatments. And as it turns out, copper has a wide range of health benefits! Copper is an essential micro nutrient that has numerous health, […]

Quanto Proflex Plus – A Herbal Joint Pain Supplement For Runners

Well, running comes with numerous health benefits but too much of its exercise can also cause some serious health problems. When runners run their heart pumps, muscles burn, feet aches and lungs scream for air, so there is no surprise that their body needs natural supplements for reducing pain, tenderness of joins that is caused […]

Your Doctor Says It’s Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Now What?

Hopefully you’ve been heeding my advice and you’ve gone to see your doctor about your hand pain. I’m going to guess that if he told you that he thinks you have carpal tunnel syndrome, he probably gave you a brace (or splint) and told you to come see him in a month. Hopefully he has […]

How to Become a Cloud

Of all the concepts I have created to help people overcome feeling emotional pain stemming from manipulations by the people you love or have to deal with, this has been the most widely praised. If a plane flies into a mountain, everyone dies and the mountain gets damaged. If a plane flies through a cloud, […]

Career As a Holistic Medicine Doctor

Career as a Holistic Medicine Doctor is not only personally fulfilling, but it is also financially rewarding. As a Holistic Medicine practitioner you can choose from an unlimited alternative medicine career options like Life Coaching, Oriental Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Natural & Holistic Healthcare and Chiropractic Healthcare. However, this profession requires a set of standards to be […]

Ultra Long Wave Magnetic Therapy

Ultra Long Wave Magnetic Therapy uses electromagnetic waves that contain similar fields with our Earth. In addition, Magnetic Ultra Long Wave produces higher density wave to improve our organs’ functions. Professor T Fujiyama, after successfully conducting tests on plants, discovered that the waves are capable of penetrating all kinds of matter, including non-conductors such as […]

Prescription Drugs Can’t Touch the Green Lipped Mussel!

What is Arthritis? There are a few different kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common one that can hit at around age forty. The condition is characterized by the degeneration of the joint cartilage that lines all the joints. Mostly affected are the weight bearing areas such as joints, the hips, knees and spine. […]

Yoga – The Antidote to Arthritis and a Key to Healthy Aging

Forty years ago, when I first became interested in yoga and therapeutic exercise, I was assisting an older woman who was immobilized in her wheelchair by arthritis. Long before I understood the degree to which yoga can rehabilitate the body, I was helping people who were unable to dress, bathe or feed themselves independently due […]

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