Category Archives: Blog

Can Homeopathy Quickly Relieve My Back Pain?

This is good question which needs to be clarified in some detail, as there are many factors to consider. However, if you can follow the principles of homeopathy, then you’ll find that it can. And it can also heal it totally. Let’s look at some of the basic principles of homeopathy that you need to […]

Careers in Metaphysics

What careers in metaphysics are available today? Despite which professional path you decide to take, you will gain personal and spiritual growth through any one of a number of metaphysical schools that offer an assortment of in-depth, academic courses. Some of the many exciting careers in metaphysics which trained individuals can pursue include metaphysical healing […]

Arthritis – Yes It Can Be Cured

There are over 100 types of arthritis. It is a disease that limits everyday movements such as walking, standing or holding onto a key and trying to open a door. The effects of arthritis range from slight pain, stiffness, and joint swelling, to crippling discomfort. Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis. An estimated […]

Reactive Arthritis Versus Reiter’s Syndrome

What should this disease be called? Should a physician convicted of war crimes against people under his care be honored by calling a disease after him? Reactive arthritis is also known as Reiter’s Syndrome, arthritis urethritica, venereal arthritis and polyarteritis enterica. It is an autoimmune condition that develops in response to an infection in another […]

Clever Clasp – Never Fight With Another Tiny Stubborn Necklace or Bracelet Clasp Again!

Most of you have seen the Clever Clasp advertised on TV. I paid this commercial no attention when I first saw it, but my Wife zeroed in the first time she saw it. You see, she’s all the time complaining that the clasp’s on her necklaces and bracelets are too small or too hard to […]

How Much Information Should You Include in Your Lead Magnet?

Sometimes people ask me “How much information should I give away in a free download?” My response is, as much as you want to. You don’t need to hold anything back in the free download. Here’s the thing, if you only know 45 minutes’ worth of information in your niche, you probably haven’t earned the […]

Serrapeptase: Miracle Enzyme and Anti-Inflammatory Enhances Natural Healing

To be commonly referred to as a “miracle enzyme”, Serrapeptase must be some pretty powerful stuff, right? Actually, it can do more than most people even know. And just because it’s gaining popularity in the U.S. currently, that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been around, and enhancing healing and enhancing lives for decades. In fact, the […]

Naturopathic Allergy Testing – Old Problem, New Approach

Are you looking for a way to permanently get rid or of your seasonal allergies? In the past, the only medical solution for allergy desensitization included visits to an allergist’s office and receiving a series of painful allergy testing shots every two weeks. After a year or two of these shots it was possible to […]

Combining Homeopathy and Cranial Osteopathy

Homeopathy is one such therapy that can be used in conjunction with Osteopathy successfully. When homeopathy is used along with cranial osteopathy, the effects of each homeopathic remedy can be felt directly by palpation of the involuntary mechanism (IVM) giving both the osteopath and the homeopath a deeper insight into what remedy is most beneficial […]

An Aromatherapist Explains – What Is Aromatherapy?

The word “Aromatherapy” appears in so many places and on so many products that it is not surprising that many people are very confused about what it really means. Unfortunately there is no legal definition of “Aromatherapy” so sadly this is not likely to change in the near future. So what exactly is “Aromatherapy”? Is […]

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