Category Archives: Blog

The Pros And Cons of Magnetic Jewelry Clasps

There are lots of different types of jewelry clasp available to buy if you are making your own jewelry. The type of clasp which you buy will often depend upon what sort of jewelry you are making, and who is the target audience of your item of jewelry. Although everyone has their own personal favorite […]

The Magnetic Lure of the Aquamarine Engagement Ring

For those who love the color blue, a blue that conjures up visions of the sea in its entire splendor, an Aquamarine engagement ring is the perfect choice. Not as dark as the sapphire, the aquamarine gemstone is a unique blue-hued stone. Colored gemstone engagement rings are becoming the choice of many couples looking for […]

The History and Legend of Magnets

Magnetism was discovered thousands of years ago, and magnets have been used for many purposes ever since. However, there is a great deal of mystery and controversy surrounding the discovery of magnetism. We’ll explore some of the various legends about magnets, including how they were discovered and some of their first uses. Around approximately 2500 […]

Powerful Natural Healing Supplements and Superfoods From the Earth

Let’s face it, shady marketers are everywhere trying to prey on your insecurities and rape your wallet. They know that humans love pleasure and hate pain, and also that us Americans will pay top dollar for a quick fix! I mean the second someone says quick, easy, no effort required, just minutes per day, we […]

3 Useful Benefits of Visiting a Naturopath

Making an appointment with a naturopath has the potential to offer a wide range of benefits to the all-round health and well-being. A naturopath will create a bespoke treatment plan that is based on many different natural and complementary medicines to help treat an illness. This type of treatment option is favored by those seeking […]

Bloody Well Might Try It – Homeopathy and Bleeds

Bleeding to the point of hemorrhaging can be an alarming event. Homeopathy, however, has a history of aborting a bleed with unusual speed and without side effects. It does so gently, politely and firmly. The idea behind homeopathy is that our body is capable of coming to balance (health) if given the correct stimulus. This […]

Holistic Home Business Ideas

Sometimes it might just happen that you can’t go out and start a business because of your housework or your family and so on. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t work at all, you won’t do any sort of business at all. There are various home business ideas which are going to keep you […]

Oxinium Knee Replacement For Young Patients With Osteoarthritis

Total knee replacement is generally performed in older patients with osteoarthritis. For the first time in India, a new prosthesis for young patients with osteoarthritis will be introduced. This prosthesis made of a wonder material called Zirconium, a ceramic coated metal ensures longer survival of the prosthesis after implantation. The introduction of this prosthesis will […]

Getting Over Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a common global problem. Arthritis starts out as a small discomfort. Worsens with time and soon becomes something overtakes life and makes simple everyday tasks difficult. You can prevent these things from happening so long as you carry out these tips. It may show exercise for arthritis relief may cause too much pain. […]

Health Benefits Of Hematite Magnetic Jewelry

Hematite magnetic jewelry is made from a reddish brown stone known as Hematite. The stone is the mineral form of Iron Oxide. Hematite exhibits anti-ferromagnetic properties at normal room temperatures. However, magnetized hematite shows properties similar to that of magnetite, another Iron Oxide. Hematite possesses several therapeutic properties and boosts the body’s natural healing system. […]

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