Tag Archives: Carpal tunnel

The Cure For Your Arthritis

Are you a part of the 20 million Americans who have rheumatoid arthritis? Do you find it extremely difficult and painful that it has started to affect your normal functioning? Arthritis remains to be one of the top disorders affecting men and women today. Even children can get this disorder. This is a very painful […]

Trigosamine For Healthy Joints

Trigosamine is a fairly new treatment to the market of supplements which claims to relieve joint pain caused by deterioration. In addition to pain relief, Trigosamine also claims to build and maintain cartilage, the loss of which is often to blame for most pain-related cases. Trigosamine is produced by the company PatentHealth. PatentHealth came into […]

The Benefit of Supartz Injections

Supartz Injections were first used in Japan to treat patients experiencing knee pain due to joint inflammation or osteoarthritis. It was considered as the primary hyaluronan medication which helps restore fluid in the joint. This treatment is the last option for patients who have failed to respond to other forms of treatments such as physical […]

Ergonomics For Software Personnel

Software professionals contribute a significant proportion to the young workforce of the industry. They often spend long hours, working on computers in awkward positions; have stringent deadlines to meet, and are among the most common group who present in Orthopaedic clinics with symptoms as bizarre as tiredness and inability to concentrate; to specific disorders like […]

Motivation Defined

Motivation is a call to action. Motivation inspires change, movement, and focus; it is what makes the world turn. The Art of Motivation is a must for Master Persuaders. How do you motivate in such a way that prompts people to take the actions you want them to take? How can you plant the seeds […]

Natural Remedies For Fibroids During Pregnancy

If you are aware that you have fibroids and are already pregnant or thinking of starting a family, you may have some concerns about how fibroids could impact upon your condition. You may be wondering if it is possible to use natural remedies for fibroids during pregnancy. Most remedies for fibroids tend to be very […]

A Book Review: The Calcium Lie II – What Your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know

In 2008, the authors published the first edition, The Calcium Lie – What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Could Kill You. Then in 2013, they updated the information in The Calcium Lie – What Your Doctor Still Doesn’t Know. In this review we will look at the revised edition. Dr. Robert Thompson, MD who maintains a […]

Osteo Arthritis Is The Most Common Form Of Arthritis

Arthritis is an illness where millions of people are suffering from, there are many types of this disease and osteo arthritis is the most common form. Osteo Arthritis is found more common with older persons but it should be in no way be called as an old person disease. People who suffer from this type […]

Reflexology for a Dancers Feet

Flirtingly glimpsed from beneath a long skirt or peeking from the end of harem pants, the feet of a dancer – though not the obvious focus – play an important part. Our feet are a complex collection of 26 bones and 33 joints in a network of 126 muscles, ligaments, and nerves. On average we […]

Ankylosing Spondylitis and Hypnosis

Ankylosing Spondylitis is an auto-immune disease which affects 2.4 million people in the United States. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily causes pain and inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae of your spine and the joints between your spine and pelvis (sacroiliac joints). However, ankylosing spondylitis […]

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