Tag Archives: magnets for pain

Naturopathic Education

Over 2400 years ago, the Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates taught the idea that nature has the power to heal itself. Man, having a natural side to him also has this power. This same idea is the core idea behind Naturopathy and what is taught in schools for Naturopathic education. Naturopathy believes that disease or […]

Neodymium Magnets And Their Uses

Neodymium magnets are the most widely used rare-earth magnets. They are permanent magnets that are made from neodymium alloy, boron and iron to form a tetragonal crystalline structure. Permanent means that they are able to retain the magnetic properties over high periods of time constantly generating magnetic field from their surroundings. These magnets are actually […]

4 Vital Health Benefits of Massage

Over the years, people have embraced the fact that massages are not only good for relaxation and rest, but it has several other health benefits as well. Practiced over hundreds of years, this kind of therapy has always been the preferred choice for individuals who are looking to take the most holistic approach to maintaining […]

Do You Suffer With Painful Joints From Osteoarthritis?

Do you ever experience joint pain and muscle stiffness? Or perhaps you have difficulty gripping items, walking properly, bending your knees, or moving your neck and lower back? Have you ever been diagnosed with “Arthritis”, and then told to take a “magic pill” to help your joints, only to find little results? If it is […]

Arthritis – Get Rid of That Pain

Arthritis is a term that is used widely to describe a lot of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. There are different types of arthritis: osteo-arthritis, which is caused by wear and tear on the joints and rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the body’s joints. The most common […]

Bracelets – Deck Yourself Up

Every girl likes wearing little pieces of jewellery adding up to their beauty. A little bit of tinkling in the ears or a lit bit of sparkling on the wrists. Jewelleries are the staple pieces of adornment to give a statement to a girls molding beauty. Here however we are emphasizing more on the beauty […]

Know the Several Health Benefits With Titanium Bracelets

There are various types of bracelets. Among them, the titanium bracelets are quite a fashionable one. But as they have magnetic qualities, thus, like magnetic therapy they also alleviate the pain of the wearer to some extent. Easy to wear and safe bracelets of titanium can minimize the symptoms of back pain and arthritis. The […]

Benefits of Magnet Therapy and Chakra Healing Methods

It is quite easy to get lost in the innumerable healing techniques that have been developed in the last few years. There are plenty of different methods for staying healthy, thus if you are planning to inform yourself more about those techniques, the chances of getting lost in all those terms is quite high. We […]

The Key to Green Tea Natural Healing

If you’re shopping for green tea natural healing products, you might want to know a little more about them. As with anything else, some of the products that are on the market are better than others. Drinking green tea is better for your health than drinking coffee or black teas, because the caffeine content is […]

Why You Need Reiki in Your Life

You are already using Reiki! You probably do not realize it but you have been practicing a form of Reiki therapy all your life. When you are hurting, what do you do? You reach out and take hold of the part of you that hurts. This is Reiki… seeking relief from pain by channeling energy […]

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