You Are a Magnet, a Vibrational, Energetic Magnet

The Law of Attraction agrees with Quantum Physics which says that this is an energetic universe. Everything has energy, even rocks. Things like thoughts which have a have higher vibrational energy can’t be seen by the human eye, just as sounds from a higher vibrational energy can be heard by dogs but not by humans.

Everything that comes into your life is a match to your particular energy. If you have heard this before, perhaps you’ve argued with it. “Nancy, are you saying that I caused that fight with my husband or that I caused that car to back into me? I just spent two weeks learning the Silva Method, and meditating every day twice a day, and my energy is great now.”

Yes, you attracted these things. Not consciously, but you are a vibrational match for whatever comes into your life.

There is no good or bad energy

The Universe is very tricky. Sometimes something seems to be bad, but it might really be the final exam that will graduate you to the next level of play. So, let’s assume that your meditation has changed your vibrational frequency and look at the two examples above as a final exam.

As a meditator, what does the fight with your husband mean? He said something critical perhaps. This is his pain body screaming for yours to come out and play. Do you let it? Or, as Eckhart Tolle suggests, do you sit quietly and send him love so that he can come back to his right mind? You always have a choice.

What about the car crash? Did you curse out the other driver, or did you ask Divinity why she sent the crash? This happened to me not so long ago. Each morning I have a long commute. I always pray for a safe arrival at my destination. On vacation, I was hit by another car. It turned out that there were some repairs that my car needed and because of the crash, it was discovered before it caused a problem. Meanwhile, my rental was paid by the other driver’s insurance while the repairs were made.

You see? The crash was a good thing. My response had been to question Divinity, and the answer was given to me by the owner of my local body shop.

Moving to the Next Level of Play

The Universe will not give you anything you can’t handle. When you pass the tests at your level, then you can move up to the next level with greater gifts and greater challenges.

So, if you rejoice at the challenges at your level, and happily use your tools to pass them then you will be allowing greater and better things on your list of desires to come to you.

Source by Nancy Stremmel

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