Healthy Joints and Bones With Ayurveda

How many of us have felt that stiff knee when standing up from that crouching position? Or felt a stinging pain while walking after sitting or squatting for a long time? Most of us have experienced some kind of pain in the joints at one point or the other. The free movement of your arms, legs, or fingers in different directions reflects the joint’s normal range of motion. At the onset of joint stiffness, your range of motion is reduced and your joint doesn’t move as well as it once did. Arthritis is one of the most common characteristics of joint stiffness and if left untreated, could result into a lot of pain and discomfort.

Caused by inflammation in the synovium, the lining of the joint, joint pain can also be caused by many types of injuries or conditions. Other medical conditions can also cause joint stiffness, like bone diseases, cancer, joint trauma, or overuse of the joint. Other possible factors causing joint stiffness are as follows:-

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Osteoarthritis

• Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)

• Fibromyalgia

• Viral Infections

There are number of symptoms related to joint stiffness. Most common symptoms are severe pain in the joints, restricted movement, joint noises, and stiffness during morning or night, difficulty in complete extension of the joint and swelling in the affected joint.

Joint stiffness can be treated in a number of ways according to the type, organ affected and factor causing the stiffness. While some of these conditions could be successfully treated with the help of physical therapy, exercise and medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are also used for treating joint stiffness. If the joint stiffness persists, then it would be advisable to visit a doctor. The following steps could be taken at home for future prevention and timely treatment of this irritating problem:-

• Movement/Exercise

• Heat treatment of the affected area

• Stretching to keep the joints mobile and the body flexible

• Massage for overall conditioning of the body

Ayurveda also offers a completely natural and highly effective remedy for joint stiffness. Its natural herbs and supplements provide effective relief to the patient. Ayurveda believes in use of selected foods and herbs for the treatment of stiff joints. Along with this, detoxification diet, use of enemas/ cleaning colon, use of herbal, medicinal or essential oils and heat Therapy are also recommended. One of the best Ayurvedic remedies for stiff joints is provided by RumoCare. This natural herbal supplement is an anti-inflammation herbal formula that cleanses the body, relieves pain and stiffness by elimination of toxins and increasing the digestive metabolism. This herbal formula comes without the side effects of man-made steroid. It cleanses bone tissue of toxins, strengthens bones, and improves flexibility in joints.

Ayurveda has for ages given effective solutions to all of man’s health related problems.

Source by John Michel Cane

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