Tag Archives: magnetic therapy

Looking For a Natural Thrush Cure?

Many people are desperately searching for a natural thrush cure. Dangerous drugs prescribed by so many doctors or available over-the-counter may bring some temporary relief but they are not a cure for thrush and often make things worse. Technically, thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth and throat but the term is commonly used […]

Waters Powerful Role in Healthy Brain Function

Are you concerned about memory loss? Learn why drinking fresh and pure water is the natural way to ensure healthy brain function throughout your entire life. Waters Role In Healthy Brain Function Water plays an extremely important role in your diet and bodily functions. Many parts of your brain draw much of their energy from […]

Physiotherapy For Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement (TKR) in an orthopedic surgical procedure where the articular surface of the knee, the femoral condyles & tibia plateau are replaced. In 50% of the cases the patella is also replaced. The aim of the patella reconstruction is to restore the extensor mechanism. It depends on the level of bone loss, which […]

Type 2 Diabetes – A Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis Improves Diabetes

Molecules involved in inflammation, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), have been implicated in Type 2 diabetes. The implication has led researchers at the Universities of L’Aquila and Catanzaro in Italy to wonder whether existing medications that lower interleukin-1 might be useful for treating Type 2 diabetes. Their study, reported on in February of 2019 in the […]

Cellaplex Review – Is it the Right Pain Relief Product For You?

Did you know that millions of people who suffer from arthritis do not take any pain relief product at all? They simply manage their pain through a combination of home treatment options like warm or cold compress, warm baths, salves, or massage. The problem is that some type of arthritis can cause extreme joint pain […]

Are Foam Dog Beds Beneficial? Foam Dog Beds Are Beneficial For Your Pet!

In today’s dog bed market selecting the right bed is frustrating. There are so many to choose from, how do you know you picked the right bed? One important aspect to consider is your dog’s personality. Just like humans, each dog’s personality is different. Some dogs are laid back lap dogs and others are frisky […]

Adverse Effects of Prolonged Internet Usage on Children

What are the effects of Prolonged Internet use on Children? The Internet is one of the truly great creations of our times, it has changed and will continue to change the way we interact with each other, the way we do business and has expanded our limits, however all this change, as new as it […]

Warrior To Goddess – How To Transform The Feminine

There are many types of women in our society, but the one that cries out for the healing the loudest is the Wounded Female Warrior. You long to transform yourself into the Goddess, even though you might not use those words to describe your longing. Who is the Wounded Warrior? The Wounded Warrior is powerful, […]

Natural Remedies for Shingles Relief And Treatment

Shingles is a common affliction found across a wide cross section of the population. Anyone who has ever had chicken pox may also suffer from shingles so almost everyone in temperate climates has been exposed to the virus (varicella-zoster). In most cases it doesn’t cause symptoms but lies dormant in the body. The older an […]

Orgone Energy – Human Being Living Space

Orgone energy was Wilhelm Reich’s term for the Force an omnipresent, “life positive” energy he claimed to have discovered in 1939. Reich often used ‘orgone energy’ as a catch-all to explain every natural phenomenon for which there was no conventional explanation as a kind of a God of the gaps. Orgone is attracted by organic […]

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